Book Launch Teaser: I forget what number. Call it #6.

Well, are YOU keeping track? OK, then. Put down your Pulitzer Prize in Annoying and watch.

HERE I AM, POPPING UP OVER and over again like a bad penis. Also, for some reason I decided to add a “rain” effect even though I’m indoors holding a dog. That’s gonna smell real wet-dog funky, except the rain is totally fake.

PHEW! Saved by technology AGAIN!

This one isn’t live, which is why it’s a tease. I discuss the animus towards Pete the Butt, whom I mistakenly call the gay presidential candidate when he’s just currently one of the front-runners for the Democratic NOMINATION. I still know more about American government than most Americans do.

Anyway, I riff about Pete Buttigieg, possible Dem candidate and erstwhile bukkake stalwart, while lounging on my fainting mat with Luke, who will be dangled over the balcony railing if you don’t buy my book.

Well, are YOU willing to be dangled over my balcony railing? Hmmm? Ok then, well, fair’s fair.

Please buy my book so I can stop mining my snot for the extra fluids, and putting Luke’s freeze-dried feces on top of my Hamburger Helper loose-meat sandwich to get any extra nutrients that my breakfast cereal won’t just leach out of my body by tomorrow morning anyway.

Buy my book on Amazon using the link below. Then stock up on toilet paper. That asteroid’s getting pretty close.

Click here to buy my book on Amazon !

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