Sitting in my newly organized, tidied, House-and-Gardened living room (see above), listening to Beethoven, the Sonata for Violin and Piano in F, Op. 24 ("Spring"). I have that delicious convalescent feeling, frailty borne with a light spirit; I feel as though I'm transparent. My thorny roommate equation, which had vexed until now both muggins … Continue reading Geezerdämmerung
Tag: roommates
I think my being poor is the result of gluten sensitivity. ‘Cause it couldn’t be the Rooneys.
Many so-called people, perhaps even you, seem stuck on the extremely random idea that the reason I have no money is that I don't have a job. This is the kind of low-life, white trash, neo-liberal cant I'm forced to deal with these days. The mouth-breathers who spout this kind of nonsense, when not being Heimlich'd … Continue reading I think my being poor is the result of gluten sensitivity. ‘Cause it couldn’t be the Rooneys.
Just getting up from the Ditch of Despond and climbing back onto the Carousel of Crazy: An overview
Hello, many of you have written to ask if I'm OK. Actually, that's a blatant lie, not a single one of you has written, sent a message in an old Shiraz bottle, hired a bird from "Carrier Pigeons Plus" or done any of those "too busy to express how little I care but spending a portion … Continue reading Just getting up from the Ditch of Despond and climbing back onto the Carousel of Crazy: An overview
My bedroom is a portal to Hell +PLUS+ Carole King has much to answer for
Welcome, campers, to my first official blog post of 2016, and I have to say, I'm absolutely choughed (rhymes with "choughed") that so many thousands of you have written to me care of 392 Sherbourne, my squalid Toronto basement-in-the-sky, thanking me for my online efforts over the past year and a half. Actually that's a blatant lie, no one … Continue reading My bedroom is a portal to Hell +PLUS+ Carole King has much to answer for