Campers, I give you herewith: The dashboard for an electronic bidet's remote control. Oh, you heard, cupcake. Oh, yes you did. Stop going "LaLaLaLaLaLa" with your fingers in your ears. I have so much to share. Don't ask me how I stumbled across this treasure. I do not remember. Any more than the bathrobe-wearing 85-year-old … Continue reading Oscillating and pulsating, on and off, -OR- “What we talk about when we talk about extremely personal hygiene, assuming we’re tasteless enough to talk about it at all, and we are.”
Tag: relationships
Facebook Life Events #23: Met another asshole, leading to two theorems.
WTF. I just kicked the last three out of the house, and now ANOTHER one shows up. I think the first one you meet starts a dossier, passes it on, etc. That's my first theory: all the assholes are in cahoots. My second theory stems from the fact that one of these prime specimens - … Continue reading Facebook Life Events #23: Met another asshole, leading to two theorems.