Kyrsten: Mistress of the Dems! With a startling and cynical manoeuvre that has left the Democratic congress in tatters, Kyrsten Sinema — miffed when Chuck Schumer advised her, via text: “No third-act redemption for YOU, Little Miss Stonewall, I’m gonna play with the cool kids from now on! Nyaaaaah!” — decided to send everyone at the Capitol a message … Continue reading Dems Reeling as Kyrsten Sinema Retaliates
Tag: Pelosi
Book Launch Reveal # 5
In which I change my name to Nancy-David and introduce Cindy the Attack Orchid. Well, I can't find my hideously expensive under-eye serum but I also can't put this live broadcast thing off any longer, or my coach-in-a-box—who's more like a coach who's a box—will cover me with glossy, stiff peaks of meringue and throw … Continue reading Book Launch Reveal # 5