Commercial Break: David plugs himself with a poll, suitable for all ages.

PRE-ORDER MY E-BOOK! [polldaddy poll=9908188] Pre-order my e-book for only $10 and start 2018 dyspeptically right! Yes, friends, the e-book of the blog is coming February 1st, 2018, and you have the option of pre-ordering NOW.  You luckybitches! This will 1. Show me how much you care; 2. Help with the print edition (the cover … Continue reading Commercial Break: David plugs himself with a poll, suitable for all ages.

I’m sorry if this makes it even worse to be you. But hey.

Dear followers, newcomers, and any assorted white trash who may have accidentally stumbled on this blog while searching hysterically for information about "crystal meth use lumps back of neck": As much as I hate to rub your face in it, it's, like, totally awesome? To be me? Today's manifestation of that hard, unavoidable fact is my lovely … Continue reading I’m sorry if this makes it even worse to be you. But hey.