You need to know that Trudeauphobia has its roots in the fear and loathing of straight males who are closing in for the kill. A clarification MOST OF US, HAVING SEEN Sophie-Grégoire and Justin Trudeau caught in a candid moment gazing adoringly into each other's eyes, or photogenically romping around with their three children; or … Continue reading Whatever Shall We Do About Justin?
Tag: andrew scheer
Skipping rhymes of Gen Z
These kids are the future. Assuming we have one. I’VE BEEN UNDERCOVER IN MY SAILOR SUIT AND adorable Hudson’s Bay dress shorts (available in Québec only in polyester, due to the current shortage of “pure laine;” nous sommes très très fucking désolés), chatting about Dr Seuss and reminiscing about The Friendly Giant with unsuspecting school-age Gen Zed-ers as … Continue reading Skipping rhymes of Gen Z
Some pics of {dis}interest from the innerweb…
...though I may have mixed up the captions. Hey, I'm 64, so kindly ease up on your running victory laps around me as you hold aloft your Pulitzer Prize for Too-Clever-By-Half. And, sorry, but have we met? Anyway, I'm extremely upset right now, so please at least pay attention so I can milk this for … Continue reading Some pics of {dis}interest from the innerweb…