“Jesus loves you; Christians are just after your retirement savings.”
Well, slice us to ribbons under the Queen streetcar, if it isn’t David Roddis, éminence grise of slowpainful.com, freshly pandemicked, all caffeine’d up and ready to dissect the world at large with his scalpel of finely-wrought prose. And then some!
Is Justin T really devil’s spawn?
Who’s Laurel to Greta Thunberg’s Hardy on earthship Titanic?
What are the skipping rhymes of the new generation of cynical chimney sweeps?
And what would William Blake give us as the Proverbs of Hell, 2023 C.E. ?

is David’s wittiest, quirkiest, most authentic and thought-provoking collection since… you know.
The last one.
“Hey friends and followers:
The best holiday present for me this year would be your pre-purchase of my new collection of perfectly polished political and personal prose.
And one thing is certain: If my first book was “Innocence,” this one’s “Experience”!
Cherish, then suppress, your weirdest lockdown memories as I chart the global erosion of public civility and the rule of law, as well as the local meltdown of my sanity.
(Sanity?! Mine’s been missing so long, its picture turns up on cartons of milk.)
Witness my finest quarter-hour as I helter-shelter with a three-ring circus of cuddly, crawly, and human creatures; stare into the middle-distance, aghast, while smoking; then accidentally wipe my butt with rat poison.
I wish I was joking.
Pre-purchase a copy of my book using my PAYPAL DONATION button below.
Once on the Paypal site, you’ll see three set pricing options and also the option to choose your own amount.
All donations are welcome and appreciated.
Here’s what you’ll get:
Any amount up to $20: You’ll receive a free .epub copy (digital copy only) of my new book in February, 2023, as soon as it is available, AND a free .epub copy of my previous book, “A Slow, Painful Death…” right away (you’ll find the link for the download on the “thank you” page of my site – don’t worry, you’ll get there automatically.)
Popular Choice:
Minimum donation of $30: You’ll receive a brand-spanking, shiny new paperback copy, signed by me, dispatched to you during the first week of February. You’ll also receive the two digital copies mentioned above, and acknowledgement in the front matter of the book, along with other supporters.
Inner Circle:
Minimum donation of $50: Everything listed above, PLUS separate acknowledgement in the book, by yourself, as a Patron, and a piece of merchandise of your choice, designed by me, as a memento. (You’ll have input into what gift you receive.)
Please remember:
You are paying in advance for my new book. You will receive your physical or digital copy of the new book during the first week of February, 2023, not immediately!
During the process of making your donation, you’ll be asked for your mailing address. Please be assured that I will only use your address to deliver your book.*
Also, I do not see or retain any of your credit card information used during the payment process—that is handled by PayPal.
You will also have the chance to send me a note during the process. That would be a perfect time to make sure I have your email address so I can deliver your ebook.
Most of all, know that you have my heartfelt thanks for your support! It means so much to me.
By pre-purchasing my book, and making a donation if you wish to, you’ll help me publicize this new collection, distribute it to bookstores, send it to the press, and generally help make it a success.
Writing humor in dark times has probably saved my life. I hope reading it will help you, as well.
Always remember:
The situation is desperate, but not serious.
Here’s the donation button:
*[Please see my privacy policy for more information on how I protect and safeguard any personal data which is collected during your time on my site.]