and get advance copies PLUS recognition!

Jesus loves you;
Christians are just after your retirement savings.
Well, slice us to ribbons under the Queen streetcar, if it isn’t David Roddis, éminence grise of, freshly pandemicked, all caffeine’d up and ready to dissect the world at large with his scalpel of finely-wrought prose. And then some!
Sorry Looking for NOW LOL
is David’s wittiest, quirkiest, most authentic and thought-provoking collection since… you know.
The last one.
Help me do this right
by donating any amount towards giving my hilarious new book
a good start in life.
With what you donate I will :
- get a publicist involved to take care of making sure the world knows about my book
- purchase a reasonable inventory of advance copies for submitting to the press, online influencers and some celebs on my list (hey, you don’t know until you try!)
- get it into physical bookstores in Toronto, including Indigo and Glad Day (I’m pre-approved for Indigo, and Glad Day happily took copies of my first book, which sold)
- do a giveaway on Goodreads
- submit to Kirkus Reviews, a well-respected industry service that provides unbiased reviews by industry experts specializing in my book’s genre
- set up local readings and book signings
On my Paypal campaign page, you’ll find three suggested amounts that I feel are reasonable, and a fourth option for donating ANY amount.
And please know that ANY amount you give will be appreciated— don’t for a moment think that a dollar is too little.
A dollar is wonderful! That’s what crowdfunding is! — Lots of people giving whatever feels easy and right to support a project they believe in and want to see happen.
I will take your one dollar and turn it into a book filled with laughs, crazy art and thought-provoking, polished writing that you’ll be proud to have sponsored. I’m already 70% there!
Donate any amount from one dollar to twenty dollars
and you will receive a digital copy (epub format) of my first book immediately, and a digital copy of my new book as it’s available, and BEFORE the general public (ETA February, 2023). You’ll also receive general acknowledgement in the front matter of the book.
Donate any amount from thirty dollars +
and you’ll receive everything listed above, PLUS a signed copy of the paperback delivered to you free, when available and BEFORE the general public (ETA February, 2023). You will receive your own, separate, special acknowledgement in the front matter.
LAUNCH DATE for the general public: APRIL, 2023
Ready? This card will whisk you away to my campaign page on PayPal’s site (opens in a new tab):
(You will not be charged by clicking the “DONATE” button. You will have a couple of steps to complete before donating, and also the opportunity to cancel should you change your mind.)