Emotional blackmail for the unelectable?

Sander-nistas are Bernie's desperate(ly) woke chicks SANDER-NISTA CHICKS ARE HOT for Bernie. They love Bernie! They love his angry, shouty old man speeches about the economy, his absurdly over-ambitious election platform, his inability to compromise, and (or so I like to fantasize), underpinning it all like a couple of size ten granola bars, his well-worn Birkenstocks. Sander-nista … Continue reading Emotional blackmail for the unelectable?

A convenient hero…

... and a broken promise. Frederick Douglass, from a speech delivered in Rochester, N.Y., 1852. FREDERICK DOUGLASS, A BLACK MAN who escaped from slavery in the state of Maryland and through monumental efforts of self-education and determination became one of the most celebrated abolitionists, activists, writers, orators and statesmen of the nineteenth-century, is celebrated as … Continue reading A convenient hero…

If I had any idea who Tucker Carlson was…

... I'd probably be ashamed to admit it. As I was lounging on my balcony this evening, listlessly picking at the plate of shoestring potatoes I'd prepared for myself, and watching the rainy wind plaster shredded pieces of tissue, and pages from NOW Magazine covered with pictures of naked women, and empty Cheetos bags onto … Continue reading If I had any idea who Tucker Carlson was…

Monday Man-Crush

how to make a libtard hard   (Justin, baby?  Answer the phone?) September 2016 It's my birthday, and I am donning my tightest skinnies — no Kleenex-stuffing necessary, thank you very much, first in line — plus my "Only Gay In The Village" red sleeveless top in preparation for my man-crushing on this week's and … Continue reading Monday Man-Crush

May I Call You Justin?

R-r-r-r-oll up and r-r-r-rim to win™! Well,  come Monday the 19th, I donned my tiara with the great, big flashing "L-for-loser" and trotted off, unopened VISA bill in hand, to vote, non-strategically, for the Beard Party. Taut muscle + tousled hair + Winner of the Rim Job Thought Experiment = The Person Called Trudeau. Mainly … Continue reading May I Call You Justin?

In which I get serious – but don’t worry, it will pass – and I affirm the impending death, in a few years at most, of Phyllis Schlafly. I mean, she’s over 90.

Once in a while I get serious about things, usually about 3AM when no one's looking, which probably means I've gotten blitzed on whatever is handy and performed the entire "Judy Garland at Carnegie Hall" album to whoever happens to be staggering through my squalid excuse for a living room.  My "guests", as I charitably call them, tend … Continue reading In which I get serious – but don’t worry, it will pass – and I affirm the impending death, in a few years at most, of Phyllis Schlafly. I mean, she’s over 90.