Facebook Life Event # 738: Did Totally The Same Kinds of Things I’ve Done Before.

Today, I did totally the same kinds of things I've done before. Whoah, deep breaths! This one's gonna be a game-changer! I started my day with coffee and a cigarette. As you can imagine, I was so pumped, coffee was sloshing in my cup like I was Kate Winslet in the final CGI-generated moments of … Continue reading Facebook Life Event # 738: Did Totally The Same Kinds of Things I’ve Done Before.

♥♥♥♥ Qu♥tes t♥, like? Live by?!! L♥L!! ♥♥♥♥

Just wanted you to be totally aware that I wasted some of my immeasurably valuable time in my Canadian Tire hip waders, sloshing through the digital swamp that is the "Innernet", and why? Why, the better to direct, albeit remotely, every tedious, one-more-Percocet-to-oblivion waking moment of your sorry life, that's why. OK?  You getting this down and suitably … Continue reading ♥♥♥♥ Qu♥tes t♥, like? Live by?!! L♥L!! ♥♥♥♥

Yes I will call you …

https://www.facebook.com/DavidRoddis.1955/videos/947769308602537/?l=8897317827237381343 [vimeo 236765562 w=640 h=361]

Puttin’ the Moves on Pride

Here in Toronto, the City Without A Soul, where the terrible WAR ON CARS rages unabated - at least, according to the Neanderthals from the 905, who drink petroleum for breakfast and, although unable to cope with words greater than one syllable or concepts greater than one person, think nothing of simultaneously texting, reading the National … Continue reading Puttin’ the Moves on Pride