But before we get to that—poor Meghan Marple, Duchess of Sussex! Right? That's all. I start my day with that simple novena to the difficulty of being a beige-colored quasi-Royal in a world where pink-and-white full-bore Royals are no longer respected, even coming as they do from a long, distinguished line of Mountbatten-Windsor-Bowes-Lyon cannibals and … Continue reading A Little Knowledge in All the Wrong Hands
Category: Science, including Pseudo
Useless Knowledge
countess × (x²) ≤ a father's love ÷ empty days in a stately home, where x = ∬ {the latest hat from Paris} Introduction In her final work, "Dark Age Ahead," the great Jane Jacobs lamented the rise of what she called "credentialing vs. education." In this model a university degree is now considered necessary … Continue reading Useless Knowledge
I’m Coping Very Well by Ignoring Reality
and I cannot stop touching my face Part 1: Hurray! A Virus that's not gay! IN THIS BRAVE, NEW, NOVEL CORONAVIRUS world, I'm not afraid of what I might encounter on the streets, in the produce section of Loblaw's or on a crowded streetcar. I'm afraid of what I'll encounter at home. In what should … Continue reading I’m Coping Very Well by Ignoring Reality
Can You Spot All Eight Trump Ticks On This Muffin?
CDC Creeps Out Internet With Horrific Viral Post The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have tweeted a photo of a muffin that has ruined muffins for everybody. Trumpticks, with their tiny minds and even twinier hwands, can totally spoil your day should you accidentally ingest some of their toxic ideas, which have been … Continue reading Can You Spot All Eight Trump Ticks On This Muffin?
Young Earth Creationists need to take Cher into account.
Just Occurred To Me #498: It's been common knowledge for years now that people in Kansas don't believe in evolution and insist the earth is only 6,000 years old - (that's younger than Cher, if you need a reference - please see conceptualization, above. I know, right??). This raises serious scientific questions. Thing is - … Continue reading Young Earth Creationists need to take Cher into account.