On Being a Clown

With the Canadian Federal Election over and the shenanigans down south reaching a point that is stretching even my credulity, I find it's time to gather myself together and get back, at least temporarily, to the original intent of this blog. Namely, to generate a whole cartload, a veritable eighteen-wheeler container-truck-full, of me-directed attention. Clowns, … Continue reading On Being a Clown

We Sincerely Hope Our Election Won’t Disturb Your Sleep …

... plus: Facebook is the idiot-maker. Carolyn Strom, R.N.: Self-made victim of the Facebook justice system. IT BEING MY BIRTHDAY COMING UP and all, I treated myself, as one does, to a little bit of narcissistic self-analysis, in the form of the Myers-Briggs personality test. The Myers-Briggs personality test is perfect for when you've gotten … Continue reading We Sincerely Hope Our Election Won’t Disturb Your Sleep …