Geezer Libertarians: White Heterosexual Males Fighting for their Survival in a Hostile World.

sorry, couldn't keep a straight face for that! February, 1981: The Toronto Bathhouse Raids Protest, which provided the impetus for the first "Gay Pride" March There is a certain type of online commentator who rears his head (and they are overwhelmingly male) on issues typically described as liberal concerns: Queer equality, Feminism, social welfare and … Continue reading Geezer Libertarians: White Heterosexual Males Fighting for their Survival in a Hostile World.

Bucket of Fresh Cow Offal : A Primer

Never forget how good I am to you.  For although not a single soul has written to request further wet- and/or hard-making stories of my shameless, controlled-substance-derived debauchery, I naturally take it for granted that you were simply too shy, or still too busy wanking to the last lot to shoot off - if you'll pardon the expression  - an … Continue reading Bucket of Fresh Cow Offal : A Primer

Yes I will call you … [vimeo 236765562 w=640 h=361]

Social Awareness: The Day, The Ribbon, The Sorrow

You may be wondering. I know you may be wondering because you've been texting me  "???'" repeatedly since two this morning when I didn't respond in under a nanosecond to your message consisting of "Sup?" Well, "sup" is, to my chagrin, National "Walk-In-Front-of-David-Reeeaaal-Slowly-with-a-Cane-While-Being-Elderly" Day.  Which will explain why I didn't make our afternoon hook-up where you wanted both of us to … Continue reading Social Awareness: The Day, The Ribbon, The Sorrow

Gee, don’t come rushing at me all at once, like a Handel chorus

Veritable smoothie of sophomoric humor. Strawberry = you. Well! (he spluttered). This is a fine how-d'you do! I work myself to the bone getting all sacrilegious, spend literally minutes in Photoshop desecrating the memory of possibly the 10th-greatest plummy English contralto who ever lived, blend it half-heartedly together into a veritable smoothie of sophomoric humor that would make … Continue reading Gee, don’t come rushing at me all at once, like a Handel chorus

Welcome, dear reader…

In Which The Author States His Case, Sets the Regrettable Tone, and Outlines His Modus Operandi In the '70s, when it was still legal to open a window, the Howard Beales of the world did just that and cried, to anyone who would listen,  "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!" … Continue reading Welcome, dear reader…