I read from my book, “A Slow, Painful Death Would Be Too Good for You (and Other Observations).”
You can buy my book on Amazon, Kindle or paperback editions, and I wish you would so I can tell my grandkids one day:
Grandkids! Just one look at me in my leather gladiator boots and chain mail jockstrap as Grand Vizier of Toronto Pride should tell you once and for all how likely that is!
Grand Vizier! One look at me smiling indulgently at my grandkids should…etc. etc.
I must say, I’m looking fabulous tonight, no doubt because of the vitamins my roomie gave me, marked “Seniors’ Blend! 65+”, which is mainly zinc so your prostate doesn’t prolapse out of your urethra, or something.
Gender disappears after 60, so perhaps my uterus will prolapse instead, who knows?
I read the piece from my book called “House Rules” and if you’ve ever had a roommate, you may recognize it.
Happy New Year, let’s kick the scrawny ass of 2019 all the way down the beach and cha-cha on the six-inch heels of 2020!