Hi, I’m like,

Susan Dreamy? D.D? That’s Doctress of Dreaminess, OK? And I’m here today to help you live a dreamy,
Life? Also to talk to you about the things that are really, really,
Like, important? OK? So let’s get, like, started?
So Dug-Up Ford and like, the Conservatives in Ontario, have, like. Your kids best interests.
At heart?
They know that being like, a Doctor or Doctress of Dreaminess takes hard, like.
And they want your kids to live a dreamy, you know, life? Just like. You know.
I do?
They want to keep your kids, you know. Ignorant and Innocent, OK?
That’s why they came up with this new, awesome, like.
Conservative Thing?
It’s called
And they tee-emmed it, which is so you know that it’s like.
Theirs? OK?
Ignorcence™ is like, ignorance, but super dreamier cause you’re like. Innocent, too!?
Conservatives know that your kids are being distracted by like, shhhhhhhh!!!!! naughty things?
Like wobblyboobies or crotchpackets and sticking goggodoodies up your, you know.
That’s wrong! You don’t find out about, like naughty things like your poodangle or your whattamahoozie in school! That’s like, dirty snowflake stuff! Not dreamy, OK?
It’s better for your kidz to focus on arithmetic and, like.
So Mr. Dug-Up and the Conservatards are doing, the right, you know. Thing? And rolling back naughty! whisper! sex! ed! So we can forget all the stuff that’s not dreamy!
And then your kids can learn about whipwangs and bleedywunckets, like, after school! Your kids will be, like.
and so fucktarded dreamy about sssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh!!!! SEX!
It’ll take like, five of them? Working together just to figure out how to stuff Johnny’s peeperdoodle??!! into Jenny’s, like.
Like at recess? You know? But they can always do that for, I guess, like.
That’s, like, your Ford vote working for Ignorcence™! Like, day and night!
Let’s make Ontario Ignorcent™ again! Thanks Mr Dug-Up!! Thanks for your
Also, when your kids go on, like, Facebook, there are sometimes, like, GUYS? Who sound really really dreamy cool, but then they want to meet you after class is out, but it’s like OK?
Because your mom and dad sent them! That’s like.
Super dreamy??!!!
Brandy met someone about a month ago, and we, like, just got the postcard from, like.
Brandy’s having an awesomely awesome dreamytime and meeting a lot of cute, like.
Brandy is super super IGNORCENT™! Thanks Mr. Dug-Up, you’re, like.
SUPER DREAMY!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??
And so is being your new thing, like IGNORCENT™!
Except that’s SUPER SUPER AWESOME, too!
Hey there! Jennifer! You look super super awesomely dreamy??! How is your, like,
“It’s OK, I guess. Yeah. Feels good. I dunno. Protected. Whatever.”
That’s, like. AWESOME, and, like. The twins?
“Well, you know, fucktard Fords. I drank some dishwashing soap and hot water and jumped up and down for three hours. Finally that lady down the hall managed to scrape them out with a coat hanger.
“Johnnie and I named them Ford-Blobs One and Two. Then we buried them in the back yard, but the cat dugged ’em up. Gross.
“We’ll just fuckin’, I dunno. Wait for the full moon. Worst case scenario, like, pray harder and bury ’em deeper next time?
“So, like, sorry but I gotta finish my relief map for geography class. Nice talkin’ to ya.
“Oh yeah, if ya see Johnnie, tell him to come home and hurry up cause I’m still fuckin’ bleeding.”
That’s SUPER SUPER DREAMY JENNIFERRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a DREAMY LIFE, GUYS! IGNORCENT™!!!????!? OK?????!!!!!???!?!?