I am justifiably famous for my impersonations of great or semi-great film actresses in their iconic scenes.
Here, in my womb-like but still scarily inviting bathroom, I channel Janet Leigh in possibly the only scene anyone ever remembers she did: the famous shower sequence from Psycho. (I know – hard to tell the difference, isn’t it? Which is why I made a point of revealing my identity.)
Ever inventive, and because I am getting on, I rework this for the sitz-bath. Enjoy!
What does the future hold, I hear you ask.
For my next outing, it’s a toss-up between Julie “I have confidence” Andrews running up that hill; and Vivien “Screw confidence, I have pink gin” Leigh in the “Burning of Atlanta” scene from Gone With the Wind. Suggestions welcome.
Also donations. Always donations.